The Proposed Auckland Harbour Bridge Walk-cycle-way, New Zealand
- report on design and physical and economic feasibility is downloadablevia: at:
- a 1.1 MB PDF.
Appendix 1e: Letter from InfraSol confirming financial viability, is below.
It includes these "working towards sustainability" statements:
"the Pathway has a reasonable expectation to be financially viable."
- and finishes:
"In the new world where social and environmental concerns and low-carbon technology, ecology and such are identified as critical risks/issues, compared to the traditional pure economic and financial factors, the AHB Pathway stands out as a project that meets the Triple Bottom Line test, being financially, socially and environmentally responsible."
Posted by davd
at 16:35 NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 December 2010 13:05 NZT