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Thursday, 5 January 2012

David MacClement's essay, 3 August 1995:
When there are Too Many People for Too Few Jobs

Is Sustainable Living Possible?
(even if everyone is able and willing to do what's needed)

"What do people do with their time
(now that there's too few jobs for too large a number of people)"?

Next to our place|*, there's a new development [written 3 August 1995], with hammering, skil-sawing|^, and heavy trucks delivering building materials and earth-movers. These guys are typically quite happy to be doing "man's work", with a feeling of accomplishment at tne end of the day, most times, and knowing that they've met a (perhaps risky) challenge successfully.
Other people, men and women throughout [New Zealand] and around the world, also value their 30 to 70 hours a week in a similar way, but in the future, with reduced consumption and longer-lasting buildings, appliances and vehicles, there will be less chance of gaining this satisfaction with one's daily activities, for an increasing number of adults.

The usual answer seems to be a combination of life-long education and the creation of enough service-industry jobs to provide at least the semblance of busy-ness for the 50% more|` people wanting work, even if they don't get _paid_ enough to live as a full member of their society.
I don't think yhe 'ordinary joe', capable or skilful with his hands and strong when necessary, will be suitable for, or get significant satisfaction out of, such "people-skills" jobs, let alone be interested in success at academic study. We're talking here of what in all past ages was called: hard, satisfying work. There just won't be anything like enough work to go around, for the huge numbers of people wanting it [at recent world population|+ growth rates].

So what will people do with their time?

In the first place, when consumption is reduced by 50% and (slightly-higher-priced) longer-lasting equipment is bought, the money needed by each person is also reduced, perhaps by 40% (0.40) in constant dollars. So the same [national] salary-and-wages bill could be spread over 67% more people {1/(1 -0.40)}, as part of the change to sustainability. { If the present jobs were split up and redistributed among 'only' 50% more workers in ~25 years, this would imply a real wage rise of 33% (67% / 50%), or 1.15% per year increase http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%281%2B0.0115%29^25 }

Secondly, assuming such a neat answer doesn't apply to most of the excess people in the world, for example that the rich & powerful continue grabbing all they can, then most of the excess [people] will have to reduce their activities whether they wish to or not.
Are 'couch-potatoes' ([though] eating a lot less as well) a good thing?
[Should the nation's rulers supply] "Bread and circuses"?|~

Draft, paper found Ja.2012 prob. by IBM Selectric typewriter (typeball): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Selectric_typewriter#Selectric_III
_written by_:
David MacClementhttp://davd.i8.com/EFquiz_DsResponses-080515.html#up
https://davd.tripod.com/#new1 ZL1ASX http://davd.pip.verisignlabs.com
http://reocities.com/davd.geo/#earths I'm in Greenhithe North Shore NZ
^arkiv d1v9d@bigfoot.com interesting articles https://davd.tripod.com/DM
earth our home: http://www.abc.net.au/reslib/200710/r194556_737903.jpg



_|*: Greenhithe, "B" in map: http://tinyurl.com/NthnBuswayToGreenhthWalk

_|^: Skil brand, portable circular saw http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skil

_|`: pick "Region Search", World, 1995 then 2034, in: http://to.ly/bQyo
1995 5,703,456,064
2034 8,573,974,015 - 50% more than 1995.

_|+: World population: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_population

_|~: Bread and Circuses: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_and_circuses

Posted by davd at 18:07 NZT
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